Machine Description
The OMAX 5555 JetMachining® Center is a perfect fit for shops needing a machine with a smaller footprint but capable of cutting 4 foot x 4 foot. It is a cantilever-style machine, comes standard with the OMAX MAXJET® 5i Nozzle, and boasts a cutting tolerance of ±0.001″(±0.025 mm). With a completely sealed and protected Ball Screw Drive System, this robust and reliable workhorse is perfect for shops cutting projects needing high precision.
- Table size of 6′ 8″ x 5′ 5″ (2032 mm x 1650 mm)
- Rapid water level control for submerged cutting
- A work envelope offering an X-Y cutting travel of 4′ 7″ x 4′ 7″ (1397 mm x 1397 mm)
Optional Accessories
- A-Jet
- Rotary Axis
- Tilt-A-Jet
- Terrain Follower/A-Jet
- Collision Sensing Terrain Follower
- Precision Optical Locator (POL)
- Bulk Abrasive Delivery System
- Variable Speed Solids Removal System (VS-SRS)
- Laminar Filter
- Laser Feature Finder
- Z-Axis Pneumatic Drill
- Water-only MAXJET 5 Nozzle
- OMAX Mini MAXJET 5i Nozzle
- 7/15 Mini MAXJET5 Nozzle
- Manual Tilt Z-Axis
- Water Recycling System
- Reverse Osmosis System
- Material Holding Kit